Girls Gymnastics.JPG



55 MINUTES • 5 - 7 years & 8 - 12 years & 13 & UP 9:1 Class Ratio

This class program is designed to build gymnastics skills through progression. The focus on this class includes instructing flexibility, strength, coordination and body awareness using gymnastics skills. Beginning level instruction on bars, beam, vault and floor. Gymnast work on all four events including the bars, beam, vault and floor. No previous experience required for Sparklers.



55 MINUTES  • 5 - 7 years & 8 - 12 years & 13 & UP 9:1 Class Ratio

The intermediate class is for the gymnast who has accomplished the majority of the beginner level skill sets by demonstrating progressive discipline on all events.



90 MINUTES  • 6 & UP 9:1 Class Ratio

The advance class is for the gymnast who has accomplished the majority of the intermediate level skill sets by demonstrating progressive discipline on all events.